welcome to our family

  Welcome to our family. I have decided to venture into the fascinating world of making blogs, in doing so I came across quiet a few personal family blogs I thought that was a great idea so I have decided to make one for our family a personal family journal that is narrated by me "mom" and is intended for my boys cj and Cody this is something that they could have and cherish for years to come. I also have another more personal blog about myself and my personal more spiritual journey. I never really understood what a blog was and still don't know if i quite understand now  but why not give it a go.
      We are the DeSpain family there are 4 of us Chris (dad) Tiffany (mom) Christopher Jr who we call Cj (son) and of course little Cody (son) our family unit is one of a kind. I know all family's are that's what makes each one awesome. This should be fun.

start at the begining

  Chris and I met in April of 2001 we were both still kids, well we didn't think so I was 18 and he was 19. We met at on of those crazy teenage party's. We were friends first, for a minute anyways. We had a strong attraction and desire for one another its like we wee connected from the start. Our hearts connected with one another and we just had to take the risk of being together with out actually knowing each other for very long. You see i graduated high school on June 7 of that year and my dad the one who lives in Washington had come to see me graduate and after graduation i had already planned on moving up there to live and get to know him (my dad),
  My dad offered Chris a job if he came up there, so we went with it. I drove to WA the next day as planned got a job to pay for Chris to join me, meanwhile he went back to AZ to see his dad. It didn't take me long i saved up some money flew bk to NV to meet up with him then we took the greyhound back to WA.
        our life together has been an adventure from the very start, we were in a whole new world (state) with one another both not knowing anyone, getting to know the family that i have there ( accept my auntie Kim) together at the same time. We had each other that's all we needed.

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